The emergence, development and gradually diversification of the current gas productive infrastructure of S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. has as benchmark the year 1909 when the first gas reservoir was discovered and exploited through well 2 Sărmăşel (Mures County). In 1913, the first methane gas production of 113000 m3 was recorded and that production was used on the wells site located in Sărmășel.
In the coming years, the infrastructure for gas transmission started to shape on a small scale; it was a unique infrastructure in that period in Europe, including the following actives:
gas transmission pipeline, the first pipeline of its kind in Europe, built in 1914 and connecting Sărmăşel and Turda (Cluj County) localities and
gas compressor station from Sărmășel, the first of its kind in Europe and built in 1927.
S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. natural gas production activities are currently performed by the two production branches, with the headquarters in Mediaş and Targu Mureş operating together over 140 commercial fields located in Transylvania, Moldova, Oltenia and Muntenia.
The infrastructure related to the exploitation of these gas reservoirs is described as a very complex development that must ensure the gathering, movement, conditioning and measurement of gas volumes produced by wells, on a continuous basis and in the parameters provided by the regulation in the field.
The graphic below shows the evolution of S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A..gas production recorded between 2000 and 2023:
The production facilities utilization depends on gas sales volumes, which is normally near the value of 100%. Production level of 2023 was supported by ongoing production rehabilitation projects of main mature fields, performance of capitalizable repair works and well recompletion works and by streaming into production new wells.
Natural gas production reached in 2023 4,788.5 million m3, namely a 3% decline related to 2022 production.
According to estimates, this production ensured ROMGAZ a market share of approx. 50% of deliveries in the total consumption of Romania, increasing by 1% as compared to 2022.
Medias Branch is an organisational entity with no legal personality and with limited autonomy, established by the approval of General Meeting of Shareholders and in accordance with the S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A .Articles of Incorporation in order to conduct the specific activities in the territory.
In order to perform its operational activities, the Branch is composed of organizational units (gas production stations, gas compressor stations, workshops, work teams) in the localities where its commercial reservoirs are located.
Mediaş Branch is composed of 8 (eight) stations, as follows:
1. Delenii gas production station – Mureş County, Băgaciu locality, Delenii village, Principală Street, No 1;
2. Mediaş gas production station – Alba County, Valea Lungă locality, Lunca village, Principală Street, No 1;
3. Daneş gas production station - Mureş County, Daneș locality, Gazului Street, No 1;
4. Agnita gas production station – Sibiu County, town of Agnita, Avram Iancu Street, No 144;
5. Cristur gas production station – Harghita County, town of Cristur, Orban Balasz Street, No 38;
6. Filitelnic gas production station – Mureș County, Bălăuşeri locality, Filitelnic village, Principală Street, No132;
7. Roman gas production station – Neamţ County, municipality of Roman, Prof. Dumitru Martinaş Street, No 7;
8. Botorca gas compressor station - Mureş County, Botorca locality, Principală Street, no number.
Târgu Mureş Branch is an organisational entity with no legal personality and with limited autonomy, established by the approval of General Meeting of Shareholders and in accordance with the S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. Articles of Incorporation in order to conduct the specific activities in the territory.
In order to perform its operational activities, the Branch is composed of organisational units (gas production stations, gas compressor stations, workshops, work teams) in the localities where its commercial reservoirs are located.
Târgu Mureş Branch is composed of 8 (eight) stations, as follows:
1. Sângiorgiu de Mureș gas production station – Mureş County, town of Sângeorgiu de Mureş, Gării Street, No 1553;
2. Sărmăşel gas production station - Mureş County, town of Sărmaşu, Sărmășel village, 30 Decembrie Street, No 57;
3. Țaga gas production station –Cluj County, Ţaga locality, Ţaga village, No 182A;
4. Grebeniș gas production station – Mureş County, Grebenişu de Câmpie locality, DJ 151A No 175;
5. Sângiorgiu de Pădure gas production station – Mureş County, town of Sângeorgiu de Pădure, Morii Street, No 3/A;
6. Gas compressor station – Mureş County, municipality of Târgu Mureş, Barajului Street, No 2;
7. Oltenia gas production station – Gorj County, Stejari locality, Stejari village, Principală Street;
8. Muntenia gas production station, Ialomiţa County, town of Urziceni, Urziceni- Ploiești, DN Km 4