ROMGAZ Young Specialists – Explorers in Areas of Geological Interest in the Transylvanian Basin
Between October 15 and 17, 2024, ROMGAZ young specialists participated in the ON-Track Transylvania Field Trip, a field study expedition dedicated to trainees who joined the company between 2023 and 2024.
Throughout the three days, following a well-defined route, the young people have explored the geology of areas in the Transylvanian Basin to understand the tectonic evolution and the depositional environments that have shaped the Transylvanian Basin over millions of years.
Along the route, coordinated by the young specialists of ROMGAZ, Mr. Adrian Mihăilă - Geological Engineer, and Mr. Cosmin Ghiță - Geophysicist, under the guidance of Mr. Octavian Păunescu – Exploration & Assessment Director, and Mr. Ion Foidaș - Production Director, in collaboration with PhD Associate Professor Emanoil Săsăran of the Geology Department of the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, the exploratory specialists have received extended explanations while passing nearby outcrops, and they have been involved in exercises and technical challenges that have resulted in positive and constructive discussions, and thus supporting the building of a multidisciplinary team working towards a common goal.
While studying Jurassic (approximately 200 million years old) to Pannonian (approximately 9 million years old) outcrops, ROMGAZ explorers have taken careful observations. Subsequently, they visited the first well that proved natural gas in the Transylvanian Basin, i.e. Sărmășel 2 well drilled in 1908, and the Sărmășel well group, where they have acquired new knowledge and shared experience with ROMGAZ engineers of the Sărmășel Production Section.
In addition to increasing their knowledge in the Transylvanian Basin and understanding of the geological models that could form the basis for future exploration and development works, fellow trainees have been successfully integrated into the company. The newly created connections between different departments and the encouragement of technical discussions on different topics are supporting the professional development of specialists.
Congratulations to all the people involved in the project for their efforts to meet the project objectives, and we wish success to ROMGAZ young specialists!
Testimonials of the young specialists, as project promoters:
Cosmin Ghiță, ROMGAZ Geophysicist:
“Building on the need of a better understanding of the geological evolution of the Transylvanian Basin, the ON-Track concept has been developed with the main objective of enhancing the understanding in the field of hydrocarbon exploration, drilling, and production, without being limited to such, by organizing field trips.
ON-Track is basically a field course where experts of the company together with university professors make presentations and give technical extended explanations to participants, while also emphasizing the importance of understanding the technological chain within the company, as well as of the multidisciplinary teamwork that results in good performance of activities. I was pleased to take part in the organizing team of such event, and we enjoyed the support of the Company’s Management throughout all project phases.
Being in the field to provide explanations has given me a lot of satisfaction. Once again it has been proven that only by sharing knowledge one may acquire new one, and such effect has been amplified when all persons were actively participating in the discussions, exploring the pros and cons, and generating new ideas. I would like to thank to all those involved in the project, and I take this opportunity to invite you to participate with enthusiasm and keen interest in the following ON-Track!”
Adrian Mihăilă – ROMGAZ Geological Engineer:
“The Transylvanian Basin has a special importance in regard to natural gas, and that is why we have considered appropriate to plan a field trip in the region, as a background for supporting technical multidisciplinary discussions, together with our colleagues from other departments. The outcrops have been carefully selected, with the aim of a better understanding of the relationship between the evolution in time of the Basin and reservoir production, to allow us to review new development opportunities of the Basin at company level.
This project is very important for me, bearing in mind it was the very first time I played the role of a guide, and I was pleased to share my knowledge, as a geologist, with my colleagues. I appreciate their involvement and the enthusiasm they have shown throughout all three days of the Field Trip.
It is worth mentioning that none of these would have been possible without the confidence and support of the Company’s Management and our colleagues. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank everyone once again.”