„I graduated from the University of Oil and Gas of Ploiesti, Faculty of Oil and Gas Engineering, Oil and Gas Engineering Profile.
The reason I chose this faculty is because of my dream to work in an energy field. I applied for the scholarship driven by the desire to grow and learn new things.
MR Mircea SUCIU is my mentor at ROMGAZ. From the very beginning I received from him all the support I needed as well as from my colleagues. I strongly believe that in the next period I will reach all my professional targets.
I strongly recommend ROMGAZ scholarship to all students because it is an opportunity you don’t get every day.”
Cu ce vă putem fi de ajutor?
Secretariat Şi Comunicare
Relaţia cu investitorii / Dividende şi Piaţa de Capital
Furnizare gaze naturale în regim de ultimă instanță
Romgaz undertakes geological exploration in order to discover new gas reserves, produces methane by exploiting the reservoirs included in the company portfolio, stores natural gas in the underground deposits, interventions, workover and special operations on wells and technological transport.