ROMGAZ pays particular attention to recruitment and selection, as its results directly influence the company's performance. The company's expectations regarding compatibility of candidates with the organisation and their performance also determine the importance of staff selection. For these reasons, recruitment and selection are carried out according to very well established criteria, objectivity being the key factor in the selection phase of candidates for each position.
The appropriate internal climate and the safety of the working environment as well as the correct training of employees are the basic considerations of our company.
Available positions, requirements, bibliography, application documents, application procedure, selection procedure and other information are published in the recruitment notices.
ROMGAZ wants to identify ambitious young people, with good academic results, young people with well-established career goals, in order to provide financial support during their university studies, the purpose of these scholarships being the training of specialists in order to employ them.
ROMGAZ supports young professionals from vocational education and high-schools and concluded partnership contracts with education units.
Cu ce vă putem fi de ajutor?
Secretariat Şi Comunicare
Relaţia cu investitorii / Dividende şi Piaţa de Capital
Furnizare gaze naturale în regim de ultimă instanță
Romgaz undertakes geological exploration in order to discover new gas reserves, produces methane by exploiting the reservoirs included in the company portfolio, stores natural gas in the underground deposits, interventions, workover and special operations on wells and technological transport.