The 115th Anniversary of the Discovery of Natural Gas
ROMGAZ hosted on April 4, 2024, at the Natural Gas Museum in Medias, the symposium sessions under the title “ROMGAZ – Natural Gas Exploration in the Black Sea on the 115 years anniversary since the discovery of natural gas”. The scientific session was dedicated to the first natural gas discovery on Romanian territory, 115 years ago, and to the 110 years anniversary since the commissioning of the first natural gas transmission pipeline in Europe. Important milestones in natural gas history were highlighted during the session.
Răzvan Popescu, Chief Executive Officer of ROMGAZ: “Over the 115 years of activity, ROMGAZ, leading company in the gas industry in Romania, continuously innovated and developed techniques and technologies for Romania’s gas supply, today facing the greatest challenge, gas exploration in the Black Sea”.
The following works were presented:
„115 Years Natural Gas History”, speaker Mrs. Angela Paucean, muzeograph at the Natural Gas Museum;
„History of 110 years of gas transmission” speaker MRS. Elisabeta Ghidiu – Corporate Management and Strategy Director, Transgaz;
„2009 – Philatelic year of the Romanian gas industry - the gas industry represented over time in philately” speaker Eng. Liviu
Pintican Iuga - Association of Philatelists Sibiu and ex Deputy Chief Executive Officer at TRANSGAZ;„Importance of natural gas in energy transition” speaker Eng. Chisăliţă Dumitru – Head of the Information and Documentation Center – Natural Gas Museum Medias.
The event was closed with a tour of the philatelic exhibition at the Museum and handing over to those present the Anniversary Philatelic Portfolio, launched on this occasion, which is a Photo Album entitled „ROMGAZ – Natural Gas Exploration in the Black Sea on the 115 years anniversary since the discovery of natural gas”.