S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. Corporate Governance comprises all rules provided in the Articles of Incorporation, the Code of Corporate Governance and the other internal regulations governing the management and control of the Company’s activity.
The Code of Corporate Governance provides for the main action directions and basic rules assumed by ROMGAZ management of with regard to corporate governance.
For the purpose of improving its own Corporate Governance System, S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. voluntarily adheres to Bucharest Stock Exchange Code of Corporate Governance and applies the provisions of the code, to the extent that they do conflict with the legal provisions applicable to the Company.
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Secretariat Şi Comunicare
Relaţia cu Investitorii
Romgaz undertakes geological exploration in order to discover new gas reserves, produces methane by exploiting the reservoirs included in the company portfolio, stores natural gas in the underground deposits, interventions, workover and special operations on wells and technological transport.