ESG Assessments
In November 2023, S.N.G.N. Romgaz received an “ESG Risk Rating” of 29.0 and was assessed by Morningstar Sustainalytics to be at “Medium Risk” of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors.
ROMGAZ Group continues investing in innovative technologies and practices to reduce environmental impact and to promote energy eciency, with the aim to meet Green Deal objectives - the reduction of CO2, methane and other gases emissions by minimum 10% until 2030.
ROMGAZ Group mission is to increase added value in a sustainable manner for the company, the employees and the shareholders, and to demonstrate resilience over the long term.
ESG is the acronym for “Environmental, Social & Corporate governance”, and represents a set of principles and standards guiding and evaluating the activity and the impact of the corporates on the environment and social matters, and their corporate governance framework.

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