„TECHNOFORUM ROMGAZ”, the most important event by Romgaz, dedicated exclusively to the company’s activity, has come to the second edition and was hosted in Medias between 16-17 April.
Started as an activity-focused profile event, ROMGAZ understood the importance of dialogue with partners on the market, addressing themes around key areas of the company's business, aiming to increase operational efficiency and sustainable development in the extraction, separation, compression, and transmission of natural gas. Understanding the context of new technologies and connecting to global trends are some of the most important success factors in adding value to the business of ROMGAZ by accessing and implementing sustainable solutions to optimize technological processes.
Representatives of the companies that joined the event and specialists from across the production area of ROMGAZ, have addressed in presentations and professional discussions the topics of new technologies available on the market and the challenges encountered in surface facilities, dehydration and natural gas compressor stations, including new challenges in reducing emissions.
The general topics of discussion and presentations were:
Natural gas dehydration and compression:
• New constructive technologies used in treating (dehydration and debenzination) and natural gas compression;
• Methane emission reduction/elimination - solutions/technologies available for natural gas dehydration and compressor stations;
• Digitizing the process of operating natural gas compressor and dehydration stations.
Surface technological facilities:
• Technical solutions for liquid separation and filtration and reservoir water injection systems;
• Natural gas collecting pipes:
- Isolation/protection systems;
- New inspections, repair and monitoring technologies.
Many thanks to all contributors present at the event: Petrostar SA, Confind SRL, INSPET SA, COMOTI - Institutul Naţional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare Turbomotoare, SUTECH SRL, Euro Gas Systems SRL, J. Christof E&P Services SRL, TotalGaz Industrie SRL, Lubexpert Romania SRL, Montrepcom SRL, Izolații Conducte SRL, Klarwin Energy Technology Valvetight, PREPITECH SRL, Honeywell Romania SRL.
The event’s success „TECHNOFORUM ROMGAZ” will be reflected in accessing and implementing solutions to optimize and improve the efficiency of technological processes from next year, with a view to the sustainable development of the company.