The second main activity consists of special well operations, namely services supplied by means of different transportable equipment for downhole or surface operations.
The operations performed in 2023 were higher both in terms of workover, recompletion operations and in terms of services supplied as special operations, thus performing 8,572 operations.
As regards well reactivation works for 2023, 191 well operations were planned and the same number of works were performed.
The operations performed in 2023 were higher both in terms of workover, recompletion operations and in terms of services supplied as special operations, thus performing 8,572 operations.
As regards well reactivation works for 2023, 191 well operations were planned and the same number of works were performed.
SIRCOSS also provides a series of services by means of different transportable pieces of equipment for different well or surface operations such as:
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Furnizare gaze naturale în regim de ultimă instanță
Romgaz undertakes geological exploration in order to discover new gas reserves, produces methane by exploiting the reservoirs included in the company portfolio, stores natural gas in the underground deposits, interventions, workover and special operations on wells and technological transport.